AI-based device for managing chronic bronchitis during COVID-19.
This project explores the interaction between doctors, patients, and caregivers, focusing on strategies for implementing post-acute care treatment plans. My goal is to understand the challenges faced by patients with chronic bronchitis and design an intervention to improve the management and control of their condition at home.
Jorge Arango
April 2020 — Spanning 4 weeks
Pair your device
FLOW, the sensor unit that monitors the patient’s health, is placed on the chest and can be accessed through mobile application through Bluetooth.
Analyzing the respiratory rate
The device keeps track of the COPD patient’s respiratory rate round the clock and analyses their progress, for a more meaningful feedback.
Project Background
“As much as 30 to 40 per cent of patients with a chronic illness have difficulties understanding their own condition, and find it difficult to interact with health care professionals.”
(Friss, Karina, et al. 2016)
Due to the complexity of chronic diseases and diminishing cognitive ability with aging, patients often experience difficulty in knowing and fulfilling post-acute care therapy plans. As a result, 20% of the patients are readmitted to the hospital with even worsened conditions. Medicare alone spends about $26 billions a year due to high readmission rates.
Understanding Patient Experiences
I conducted an in-depth review of 20 articles and case studies to explore topics such as bronchitis disease symptoms, risks, and prevention; the perception of aging and its effects on health behaviors; and the treatment and management of post-acute care. Additionally, I utilized public online patient forums to gain deeper insights into the patient experience.
Through this research, I discovered that the social engagement and emotional support a patient receives play a crucial role in their recovery and management of their condition during the post-acute phase.

Insights on Chronic Disease Management
Through a combination of research, interviews, and patient forums, I synthesized key insights into chronic disease management. Emotional support and social engagement emerged as critical factors in aiding recovery, alongside the increasing relevance of digital tools like AI chatbots for remote care.
The daily journey of COPD patients revealed a complex routine marked by persistent challenges, emphasizing the need for empathetic and personalized care strategies

Personalized Therapy and Sensor Integration
Building on the insights, I moved into concept development, recognizing that each patient is unique with distinct goals, preferences, and needs. By understanding individual concerns, an AI system can personalize therapy plans to optimize outcomes, while therapists can further support success rates.
The SENSOR UNIT in this concept, named FLOW, is a portable module placed on the patient's chest. Unlike devices placed on the wrist, ankle, or belt, its positioning generates fewer motion artifacts.

Bringing the Concept to Life
In refining the concept, I created a storyboard to visualize the user experience, focusing on the feel of digital elements and props. This allowed for a clearer understanding of how the various components would interact, helping stakeholders better grasp the overall vision and the role of each element in enhancing the patient’s journey.

Designing the User Experience
I further developed the concept by designing screens for the motion design of the AI animation, showcasing the personalized form and branding. This included detailed screens for the onboarding process and the main screen, ensuring a seamless user experience.